Uses whole natural extract in most natural form without processing
No negative side effects
Less concentrated and takes longer
Focuses on assisting the body to heal itself
Treats the cause and not just the symptoms
Brings whole physiological system into balance
Food and correct nutrition used as a primary medication to assist health
Nutritional supplements- vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, herbs (Chinese and Ayurvedic,) used to complement the diet
Homeopathics and isopathics used
Use of precursors. (The body converts natural substances into useable form for healing)
Encourages body to work on its own equilibrium and stasis production rather than using artificial medicines to do the body’s own job
Therapeutic doses of vitamins and minerals used for optimal health can be higher or lower than recommended dose)
Treats the symptoms of the condition
Uses only one chemical component of an extract which standardises the concentration
Contains numerous side effects because standardisation process works in isolation without the help of other balancing ingredients
Relies on other drugs to counteract or negate one drug and its side effects
Drugs used overtake specific functions of the body
Drugs used are developed and administered to take effect immediately
Food and diet is not viewed as an essential component of good health. Its role in the overall health of the body is downplayed and disregarded RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) doses which are recommendations for preventing disease states, are viewed as sufficient for optimal health.
The use of allopathic medications relace and overtake the body’s own manufacture of the drug, thereby diminishing the body’s attempts to heal itself
Looking for expert, holistic health advice? Give naturopathy a go!